Friday, August 8, 2008

More Numbers

31 - minutes I ran 3 miles in on Wednesday
51 - percentage of humidity today
78 - degrees it was when I left the house
80 - degrees it was when I came home (which was why 51% humidity was OK)
46 - minutes I ran 4 miles in today

That's right! I did it! Although I guess I should have pulled a Paulie Bleeker and applied deoderant to my thighs. . . because my right one is chafed! It made the last part of mile 3 and the entire mile 4 not very fun.

Whatever. My agenda for today: STRETCH! And tonight I'm tasked with massaging my legs. They're getting tight again. I'm still not sure about my five mile route and exactly how that's going to be accomplished, but I'll figure something out tonight with M's help.


1 comment:

Jen said...

good for you!! and 4 miles awesome!! i am excited to hear about your 5!