Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I went this morning. It was about 78 degrees when I left the house. It felt warmer than that, but thank goodness for a breeze. I missed the breeze on Monday night.

I felt a cramp in my right shin/calf before I even got through my warm-up walk. I ran through it. I can't decide if it has anything to do with shin splints, or if it's just my calf muscle being worked and strengthened. I'm sitting here icing it either way.

I'm tired this morning so the first 90/90 was a little tough. But after the first 3 minute run, I wasn't as out of breath or having as much tightness in my chest/abs.

No catch this time. And I got through both sets fine. Except the second 3 minute run felt like a lifetime and I really, really really tried not to think about how long or far I was running. This is where distance running, rather than timed, might be better for me . . . I could always run faster and get done faster . . . instead of not being able to get done any faster because time just doesn't go faster than it goes . . . whatever.

I added 2 minutes at the end again. Not so easy. But I got it done.


Apple Joos said...

I'm really envious of you. I wish I was a runner because, aside from the health benefits, it's just a great time to yourself. Keep going!

Kristine said...

Look at you! Good job on the running. I did the Pat Tillman earlier this year and it felt like a HUGE accomplishment. Keep up the good work! You're awesome, girl!

So are you gonna do one or both of the races. Let me know, I'd Love to do a 5K! Hope you don't mind that I totally just invioted myself to your new blog.